Sunday, September 17, 2006


I love to knit and I love to sew. What I don't really like—arguably the most important step of the sewing—is laying and cutting out patterns. I'm not sure why. But it's a step that can't be ignored, so I spent the equivalent of a day cutting out shirts for Tom. Hopefully in the not too distant future, he'll have three new dog shirts and two new dress shirts. The latter will be for the cruise which is only a month away.

There will be two formal dinners at the above-mentioned cruise. My original plan was to sew two evening dresses, but as is my wont to do, I have switched gears. Dress number one is still going to be a silk version of the Reunion Dress in a burgundy chiffon over black crêpe de chine. (I think I need to get that cut out pretty darn soon...). I've decided to knit dress number two (that's where the real ambition comes in). I've started the "red carpet dress" from Greetings from Knit Cafe.

However, after starting it, and thinking about how nice the dress looks on the slender, tall model, I realized, my short pear shape may not do it as much justice, so I've decided to do some modifications. It will be a two piece dress to camouflage the larger part of the pear and to make the top of the pear look a little wider. My plan is to knit the skirt to above the trellis lace panels, then knit even and add a small casing for elastic. Then I'll knit the zigzag lace panel in a top has neck shaping and shoulders. But I haven't quite decide which pattern to use—Jewelled shell, Soleil, Ballet Camisole, or Picovoli. Any opinions?

At any rate, here's what I've done so far.

Wedding gifts
My saving grace here is that I figure I have the first year to give wedding gifts—especially since the first was an elopement and the second we can't attend because we will be leaving for the cruise on the date. Vogue 7955 has inspired me, so I've ordered some doupioni silk from

So many ideas...