In the Activity Bag
The most important part of trip planning is the Activity Bag. What am I going to do for one, two or twelve hours of flying time—not to mention airport waiting time? So that's the first thing that is done.Here's what's in my bag for the trip to Scotland:
Sasha skirt
Fiber Trends Möbius scarf in Handmaiden Seasilk, Ebony
Cool new Bose headphones (the first that actually fit!)
iPod with lots of music and books
Bark and Rachael Ray magazines.
Hopefully that will keep me occupied and 8 hours across the pond will pass easily.
We leave Portland tomorrow morning with layovers in Chicago and London (not the original plan, but American cancelled their U.S. flights to Glasgow (bummer!) We will have a cute little MacBook with us and wireless access at all the places we are staying. (Sign of the times, I guess.) So it's possible I'll be posting if I score any great fiberly finds, see any cool pups or just see something interesting. But if I don't you'll know why.
And, yes, I did pack some clothes, but nothing new.