Thursday, August 03, 2006

A near perfect day

Today is why we moved to Oregon.

It started with some sewing. I finally finished the moulage to put on my Uniquely You dress form. It's been uniquely someone else since I got it and not terribly useful for fitting. Then I began the altering of my party dress for my high school reunion (the first try wasn't entirely successful, which prompted the moulage project). It's looking pretty good on my dress form that is now uniquely me.

It's Cody's birthday
After a little breakfast, we took the 13-year-old birthday pup and his cohort to Mary S. Young park and met up with lots of other dogs. Of course as far as Cody is concerned everyday should be his birthday, as he tells us daily. (When the cleaners were here, we all took refuge in the my office. Tom laid down and Cody laid down right next to him.)

The hot days in July are soon forgotten on a day like today. For the second day Tom and I spent some time on the back patio. Because it was so perfect, the only sound aside from the occasional plane overhead and a blackbird now and then, was ths sound of the wind rustling through the trees. Even the air-conditioners didn't come on. Tom read. I read. I knit the seasilk scarf and listened to my iPod. Perfect.

Thanks, Dianne!