Yesterday, as I was putting things in my pack to take to Michelle's, I kept thinking about the linen shrug I knit up in 2003. It was my first experience with linen yarn. It was crunchy feeling when knitting, but it washed like a dream. When I pulled it out after the move, I found a hole near the shoulder seam. Upon closer inspection, it turns out the yarn had failed - not my knitting. Anyway it's fixed and I've been wearing it a lot lately, so I was thinking I want to make another. After obsessing about it for a while, I settled on the red Elann Luna yarn (same yarn as the lace skirt). I had ordered the red yarn with an eye toward making another skirt, but like I said - I'm fickle. (There's enough that a skirt could still be in the offing - just not the same lace skirt...maybe one of the skirts in the Summer VK...)
THEN I arrived home to the yarn I'd ordered to make the First String peasant top from the Spring '06 Knitters, which my Mom pointed out when we were in the only Sun City yarn shop. I found the yarn used in the pattern at Ram Wools (coincidentally, the designers of the linen shrug pattern.) I figure if Mama says she likes it, I'd better make it. (An aside: At Christmas, Mama told Tom, with a very serious face, "I think Patty and I are growing apart." Tom was a little stunned because all seems well with us. Then she followed up with, "I just don't know what styles and colors of clothes to buy her anymore.")