Anniversary night
New post at Fiberly One's new home:
Anniversary night
life with fabric, yarn and dogs
New post at Fiberly One's new home:
Anniversary night
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6:01 AM
New post at Fiberly One's new home
Techy and Fiberly meet
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5:58 AM
Filed under: knitting, something else
New Post at Fiberly One's new home
Knitting Magazines
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5:40 AM
I've been geeking this week and decided to move the Fiberly One blog to my website, since Blogger doesn't really play nice with Macintosh. So please change any bookmarks and links to the new address:
Let me know what you think.
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3:06 PM
It all started with trip to San Jose, then Denver, then Chicago, then Phoenix, then back to Phoenix at which time we packed up my mom and moved her to Oregon - in the matter of three months. By some standards that may not be a lot of traveling, but since I don't have a real job, it's a lot for me and my blogging slowed down to practically nil as we tried to get stuff done, entertain Mom, move Mom into her new apartment, etc, etc.
So I've had a geek week processing a large number of digital photos, putting them in to web pages and posting to our server and here's what we have:
Dogs - lots of dogs
There's Jake and Mandy, of course, who continue to entertain us just being them.
There were the visitors, Joey, the beagle and Montana, the large black lab mix, who stopped by in May. Even in San Jose, our house was a dog (and cat) magnet.
We took care of Pepperoni for Mark, when he and his wife were on a road trip to the Grand Canyon in July.
And the now-Oregon-resident Tootsie.
There are even more pictures of the dogs and a little narrative in May Dogs, June Dogs and July Dogs on
Willamette River Cruise
Courtesy of Dianne Rodway and John Becker and the City Properties Group, we spent a pleasant Sunday afternoon cruising the Willamette River.
Yes, I'm now 50 and I mentioned the party. Here are some pictures.
Jim and Chris Adamson couldn't make the day, but on their way to take a car full of things to their daughter in Seattle, they stopped by.
Fiberly Weekend
There are a few more pictures from the weekend in Chicago, including lots of color from the Chicago Botanic Gardens.
In May, Tom and I walked the Doggie Dash for the Oregon Humane Society. With Jake and Mandy in tow, I wasn't able to do much multi-tasking (ie take pictures), but I did get one.
In June, just before the car came to pick us up for the last leg of the move from Sun City West, I took a great picture of my Mom and her friend Viki Hartsock.
AND I've finally finished Katherine, crocheted a scarf and made shirts for Tom and John Becker for his birthday...and I don't have any pictures yet. So I guess, I'm not quite caught up after all. Oh well.